Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

scollegato in my post . disconected -__-

hello all! just re-write this blog after a long retirement : P anyway merrychristmas all ! i know its too late. hehe but idc lah. merrychristmas again everybody !!
now I'm in the Christmas and new year holiday . I spent a few days my time in singapore just for vacation . you must think very enjoyable holiday in singapore.actually NO ! why ? because while I was there. singapore is very very crowded by tourists. Shopping? queue ! eat? queue! MRT? queue! err

when I played on universal , MORE SEVERE again! one game, i am lined up 1-2 hours! omg its worst - had lunch at a universal queuing 2 hours ... a waste of time! oath. no play, no shopping. just get sore. i had run of my money ($__$")

also do not take pictures with Shrek, Betty Boop, Marlyn Monroe, Frankenstein, or any clown T__T

at home .. until now. I do not know what to do. I'm bored. and just sleep. clean room? LAZY! wii play? Bored. therefore because of it then. every day I do is eat, sleep, watch, play, eat, shower, sleep, online, eat, sleep TT

that routinity makes me lazy to move and more fat T_ T

i tell my brain to tell the mouth to stop eating

but it doesnt work ! TT hikssi tell my mouth to eat the fruit.... but my mouth dont like the fruit without the maincourse --
i tell myself getting maraton , situp , or anything bout sporting. but myself already too lazy to move. omg :(

I think i need a miracle, that made me suddenly changed! hahaha just hope something magical change myself to be better than before ! if screaming can give me anything i want , i will screaming everyday . but dream just a dream . cant ask more T.T

I once heard a quote from a radio . she said "why should we celebrate the new year if we do not change our bad attitude to be good ?"

i think that is a nice quote to celebrate 2011. we celebrate the new year every year. celebrate the new year to transform ourselves into a new. just not in the sense of new clothes, new tv, new toys, or things - things that are worldly. but only in the sense of changing characteristics and behaviors in ourselves. we change that was ugly to be good. which is good let's make a better. I hope to make a change in 2011 . become more diligent, kind, and all that (+) . amen. LETS MOVE ON !